Standing between age-restricted retirement communities and nursing homes are many kinds of Senior Living Communities. They offer a fluid approach to the aging process. In some communities, a resident can move from independent living to assisted living to skilled nursing while staying in the same complex.
Home Run:
Like many Continuing Care Retirement Communities, St. Paul’s senior living community in South Bend, Indiana, offers a wellness lifestyle and an array of living options. Most importantly, they want their residents to continue to make the most of life and new friendships. In April 2016, the St. Paul’s senior living community took an imaginative and groundbreaking step to meet these objectives that no CCRC had ever done before. They invited two minor league pitchers from the South Bend Cubs to live with them during the baseball season. It was a win-win for all.
Multi-Level Retirement Community: THE REDWOODS
Some Continuing Care Retirement Communities offer a “fee for service” model which doesn’t require a lump-sum buy-in but may require a type of rental deposit. While this model may be more affordable and still offer essential services, residents may not be guaranteed a unit when its time to move from one level to the next. But places like The Redwoods have other things going for them: an active and involved community.

“Buy-In” Life Plan Communities: STORIES IN DEVELOPMENT
Some Continuing Care Retirement Communities have a “buy-in”, a lump sum entrance fee (between $100,000 to $1 million++) for a “Life Care” contract, plus additional monthly fees for food and other services. Health care expenses are also extra, sometimes paid for out of the deposit. With the “buy-in” model, a resident can spend the rest of her life in a CCRC, moving between levels of care as needed.
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